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Gilmore College for Girls Graduation certificate, undergraduate, master, doctor, transcript, certification, sample picture, diploma case

Gilmore Girls College has been a beacon of success in the city of Footscray for over 80 years.

Gilmore Girls College was founded in 1925 as the Footscray Domestic Arts School in response to the vast demand for employment in the Domestic Arts. Aspirations for young women have progressed greatly over the decades and Gilmore College changed and developed continually. Consequently, the name of the College has changed over the decades to reflect the rapid progress in girls’ education. Today Gilmore Girls College is an academically focussed, technology rich and very successful educational provider.

In 1996 we became Gilmore College in recognition of Dame Mary Gilmore. Mary Gilmore, who was born in 1865, campaigned against discrimination of all kinds but is particularly remembered for protesting against discrimination on behalf of aborigines, the elderly, women and children. She wrote for several newspapers and magazines, using poetry to highlight social issues. Mary Gilmore is indeed a fitting role model for our young women.

Students from local suburbs and many students from distant suburbs, travel to Gilmore College via train and bus everyday. The College was once seen as a regional centre for the education of girls, but over the years it has become the College of choice for girls from both local and quite distant suburbs. It is also accredited to educate international students.

We are proud of our multi-cultural richness at Gilmore, where all students strive for excellence in an atmosphere of mutual respect.

At Gilmore, each student is known as an individual. Our widely recognized Middle Years program ensures that a key group of teachers guides and educates our students in their first years at the College. From years 7 to 9 all classes have two Home Group teachers who also teach their respective Home Group classes for six or more periods a week. This group is well supported by a Student Leadership and Extension coordinator and a Wellbeing team to make sure that students have both the challenge and support they need.

Our VCE results are consistently the best of all government schools in the Western Region. This may be due, in part, to our strong emphasis on homework, structured work requirements and exam preparation. However, the shared expectation that all girls can achieve when they are sufficiently confident and engaged by the curriculum is even more important.

The College offers a wide range of enrichment and extensions programs including excellent camps, many leadership opportunities and a wide range of extension activities. We also have an active instrumental music program and an extensive sports program where we regularly achieve regional and state wide success.

The College has an outstanding record for curriculum innovation. We were delighted to have our excellent teaching and learning program recognised by acceptance into the Leading Schools Fund in 2005. The Leading Schools Team is currently negotiating the design and construction of a new building to house the Learning Communities Centre, the new learning facility for our Year 7 and 8 students.

Gilmore Girls College is a diverse and harmonious learning community. The College motto is “Harmony and Success” and this is evident in our everyday practice.


Gilmore College for Girls Degree, undergraduate, master, doctor, transcript, certification, sample picture, original diploma case.