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Eastern Fleurieu School Graduation certificate, undergraduate, master, doctor, transcript, certification, sample picture, diploma case

At Eastern Fleurieu School we have a strong commitment to Inclusive Educational Programs that cater for the needs of all students across the R-12 range. Continuity of programs across the R-12 school ensures smooth transition through from Kindergarten to Year 12 and is a special focus of the Eastern Fleurieu School.

We achieve this through: -

Inclusive methodologies, enabling all learners to reach their potential.

Collaboration across all sectors of schooling.

A commitment to staff training programs.

An administrative structure with school leaders appointed with specific responsibility for developing curriculum appropriate to the needs of individual sectors of schooling (early years, primary years, middle schooling, senior secondary)

Local school management and the collaborative involvement of the community in the school.

Eastern Fleurieu School offers programs for students across the entire range including students with disabilities and students with high intellectual potential.

At Eastern Fleurieu School we believe that students who are experiencing difficulties need: -

To be identified as soon as possible by classroom, home group, subject teachers, parents or self identify specific issues. The earlier the intervention the more likely that the outcomes will be successful.

To be supported both at school and in partnership with parents at home.

Access interventions that are designed to meet the individual students specific needs.

Learning Support Available at Eastern Fleurieu School Includes: -

Reading Recovery program for Year 1 students

Special needs teacher R-6 providing support through the Learning Centre and 7-12 Learning Centre.

Programs for students with high intellectual potential. (SHIP)

Small Group withdrawal programs to support literacy learning

Student Counsellors - R-6 and 7-12

Learning Assistance Program (LAP) with parent and community volunteers

Cross age and Peer tutoring

Referral processes to DECS services, counselling, psychological testing, speech pathology and Behaviour Support Unit

Concerns about a student's progress should be discussed initially with classroom, home group and subject teachers. Heads of Campus/Campus Coordinators can assist parents to access outside agencies and provide information about the support options available.

Students with Disabilities

Students with disabilities are integrated into mainstream classes and access the expertise of special needs teachers and school service officers on a regular basis and as appropriate to their support needs. Facilities appropriate to the needs of students with disabilities are available at the Strathalbyn R-6 and 7-12 campuses including ramps, changing facilities and disabled toilets. A Negotiated Education Plan (NEP) is developed for each student in collaboration with health professionals, psychologists, teachers and parents. This plan includes educational goals and health care needs. Negotiated Education Plans are reviewed at regular intervals and in particular at points of transition.

Negotiated Education Plans can be developed in collaboration with Kindergarten staff prior to children commencing school.


Eastern Fleurieu School Degree, undergraduate, master, doctor, transcript, certification, sample picture, original diploma case.