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Stromlo High school Graduation certificate, undergraduate, master, doctor, transcript, certification, sample picture, diploma case

Stromlo is unique in the ACT government school system as it is the only high school that provides a quality education for every student from year 6 to year 10. As an inclusive coeducational secular school of more than 700 students, Stromlo ranks above average on several performance indicators such as community satisfaction, literacy and numeracy. We welcome your enquiries and invite you to visit the school.

A comprehensive and current curriculum encourages and recognizes success in all fields. A highly qualified staff (all registered with the new ACT Quality Teaching Institute and four year trained, more than 50% with postgraduate qualifications) ensures that the Australian Curriculum is delivered at the cutting edge. There are as many opportunities to learn and succeed within the curriculum at Stromlo as there are within the co-curriculum, as teachers plan year camps, national and international excursions (within Australia, to Europe, the US and Japan), field trips and many sporting events.

The gymnasium, dance and specialist rooms ensure that no learning area is neglected. New computers guarantee state of the art learning at Stromlo, with every teaching space equipped with an inter-active white board or data projector, and the whole school wi-fi. The Science wing includes five laboratories, a lecture theatre, an IT room and a horticulture room and outside plot area. Languages taught include Japanese, French and Italian.

The donation of a telescope from the ANU Mt Stromlo Research Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics is no accident. A telescope, like a microscope, allows you to see more clearly. With it you can develop the here and now, the present. Telescopes are powerful enough to look back in time- to where stars once were. To observe forces strong enough to form plants. The clearer our vision is, the clearer our understanding can be. By understanding the present, and how the present came about, we can better forge pathways and shape our future. What do you see when you look through YOUR telescope?

The Stromlo Dobsonian Telescope

Statement of Expectation: I am proud to be the Stromlo school leader, respect past achievements, endeavour to excel in my role and want to maximize learning opportunities in the digital age. I bring high intellectual and behavioral expectations of all students and teachers:

a background as a multilingual internationally experienced educator

a strong grasp of curriculum as the key driver of a knowledge economy

leadership experience across Australian jurisdictions, Europe and Asia

Knowledge is power, and learning to learn is a value of lifelong benefit and intrinsically rewarding. The difference between an educated mind and one less so, is that an educated mind can give reasons for opinions, can cherish learning and apply the learnt to improve aspects of the human condition. Education is the silver bullet that can meet the challenges of today and tomorrow.

Our school is recognized as a lead school in curriculum, IT, special needs education, student leadership through peer support and mentoring programs, pastoral care through the school's TEAM program, transition programs into high school and then into college, career education, indigenous student support and the performing arts.

We have an active School Board and a supportive Parents' and Citizens' Association. The school's important role in educating young people is recognized in the support given by Rotary, Lions and sporting clubs. These organizations strengthen our educational and social programs and help create the unified learning community that is Stromlo High.


Stromlo High school Degree, undergraduate, master, doctor, transcript, certification, sample picture, original diploma case.